1. Link to the person that tagged you 2. Post the rules on your blog 3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself 4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs 5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. 6.Let your tagged peeps know once your entry is UP.
#1..... The first thing that you might not know about me is that I LOVE to sing!!!! Oh yes in the shower tra la la la. When i am driving in my car (alone) I have the radio up sO loud and I just sing away. The truly sad part about this is that I actually think that I sound good and I often daydream about being on American Idol!! (stop laughing now I think I am too old for it anyway!)
#2..... I am obsessed with reality t.v. This is also very sad because at times I also wish that I were some stupid idiot baring it all in front of millions of Americans!! IE... Real world, Survivor, Biggest Loser, A Shot at Love, Rock of Love, Love of Money and the new Charm School! (sad sad life!!)
#3.....I HATE GROCERY SHOPPING!!!! Not only because I work in a grocery store but ever since I was a little kid I can remember begging my mom to let me stay in the car while she shopped! (something is definetly wrong with me, girls love shopping!) Maybe it is because I think grocery shopping is a small form of tourture or that it is a big fat waste of money because as soon as I bring it in the door the kids are gobbeling it all up!!!!
#4.....I think that I am WAY cooler than I really am!!! LOL oh come on I think we all do!!! I took my teenage cousin out to dinner a few months ago and the entire nite she kept telling me how UNCOOL I was.... and then we went to the movie and she seen some of her friends and she totally didn't want to be seen with me!!! RUDE! Example 2 I volunteer at my boys' school twice a month and when I went into Eliott's class he acted like he didn't even know me!!!! RUDER!!! (Is that a word?) And the last example (although I'm sure I could come up with alot more) my 10 year old decided that it was time he got a REAL skateboard.... I didn't know there was such a thing. Of course his came from Wal-Mart (i hate even typing that word) but it's still a skateboard. Well apparently it is not! So to the Mall we go ( I hate the Mall) and 85 dollars later he now has a real skateboard and if anybody has shopped for a REAL skateboard that is actually pretty cheap! (I checked!!)
#5......I love stuffed Animals!! I know this is sooooo childish but it is so true!! I have a ton of stuffed animals and so do my kids! My Grandparents gave me a bear the day I was born and I called him boo boo bear and I still have him!! He plays the Brahms Lullyby and when I get sad I still sleep with him! ( Stop laughing!! )
#6.....I am a FREAK! (not that kind of freak... well maybe a little but I won't go into detail!) I rotate clean clothes!... I know this sounds more like borderline crazy but when I fold and put away laundry I rotate all the clothes in the closet and in the drawers. Mainly my kids' clothes because that way they arent wearing the same thing over and over again so I put the clean clothes in the back of the closet and then we always pull from the front, same with the drawers I put the clean clothes on the bottom and take from the top. I also have all thier clothes in the closets hung in order and on certain colored hangers i.e. the pants all go together, the sweatshits, the long sleeved t's, the short sleeve t's and tanks! (am I alone on this one?????)
SO now I am Tagging .... Heidi, Jen, and Charity (I know there is supposed to be 6 but I am a loser and don't know that many peeps!! LOL )
9 years ago
LMAO! I totally agree with you on the first 2! That's funny! I turn my radio up loud and it's even better now cuz my windows are tinted and no one can watch me rock out! Haha! And I LOVE reality TV! Charm School is my new Fave. I love Heather!!
wow must be an Aquarius thing lol...
I love reality tv, stuffed animals, I used 2 think I sounded good singing & guess what?? I do the same thing with laundry lol..... I even have 2 have the shortest 2 longest. It all has 2 be organized or I spazz.. That is 2 FUNNY!!! & here I thought I was havin g OCD alone lol.. jk :)
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