Happy Birthday Grandma Barb!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
I know I have been MIA but I will try to update my blog with Christmas and New Years... But for now I have to tell you all a little story about Smith's.... yes the place I call home ( I mean work) anyway so about 3 weeks ago a dog come s into the store which is not very unusual I mean it most certainly was not the first one and I am sure it will not be the last. So he comes in the door heads over to the pet isle and helps himself to a bone and walks right out the front door!!! Ok ok so at the time it was hillarious..... sooooo a customer overheard us talking about it and she decided that the news should do a story about it. Channel 2 did the story first and they aired the clip of our survellence on Christmas Eve.... well it was all over from there!! Cannel 4 and 5 have both aired the clip and 13. On Christmas CNN took the footage and aired it there. We had the Today show in our store interviewing our Store director who I must say had really been a trooper! We have had morning radio shows from all over the world call and do phone interviews, it has been printed in newspapers as far as Florida and we have had people call from Ohio claiming that the dog is theirs!!! We even have had offers from people to PAY for the bone a whole $2.79!!! Can you believe this shit???? Like I said it was funny (at the time) but now it is just CRAZY!!!!! do we really not have anything better to talk about??? LMAO anyway for those who are curious and have not hears about it YET it is on youtube and here is the link..............................................................http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s5RMj120NE
Posted by Just us at 9:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I know it has been awhile and I am a little busy so for now all I have to say is "DA BEARS" (there is still hope for the playoffs!!)
Posted by Just us at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Porter the Puppy!!
SO I gave in and got a puppy! Meet Porter (thanks for the name Nathan) the newest member of our Fam! He is the cutest little thing I have ever seen and I really am not a fan of little dogs but I did fall in love with him as soon as I seen him! I will post some new pics when I get a second and a half to actually do something around here! (I stole this pic from Mischa ty! ) Anyway we bought him from Tristan and Micsha and we havent even had him a week and my lovely daughter who btw thinks he is her baby fell down the stairs with him and landed on his paw, needless to say he has been lying around for the last 2 days and FINALLY today he has started to walk on it! PHEEEW! I was worried that she broke it but I think he is going to be just fine! SO look forward to seeing some new puppy pics of Porter!
Posted by Just us at 5:45 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I know it has been awhile and yes I am still alive!!! New pics coming soon! It has been crazy busy at work and then we snuck away to Mesquite for a quite little weekend (was long overdue!) So I will try to post some pics later today.... I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day i did!!!
Posted by Just us at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Turkey day!!! So on Thanksgiving we went over to my Dad's house and Teri and Jessica made a great Turkey dinner! The kids all played outside all day because for once it was a nice day! After we went over to Grandma Barb's and hung out there for awhile. The kids played and when they were good and tired we headed home to pack. Then we drove to mesquite. I really sucked at taking pictures for Thanksgiving as you can see there are none!! So Black friday me and April decided that we were going shopping! then April made her First Thanksgiving dinner and G&G O. came over and had dinner with us! (Yes Richard helped but only a little!) (and yes we are all still alive!) SO we spent the rest of the weekend relaxing, hanging out at the movies and gambeling the one thing I did get pictures of was our bowling trip! The kids had a BLAST!! And Easton freakin bowled a 142 can you believe that?? (Yes we had the bumpers up but what did you expect it was Jaedyn's first time) April was the winner with a 144 so she only beat Easton by 2 pins!!! It was great now that's all they can talk about!! Anyway the weekend went by way faster than it should have (like they always do!) and I can't wait for another one just like it!!
Posted by Just us at 6:14 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Posted by Just us at 6:20 PM 1 comments
Nothing like Homemade PIZZA!!! We had a Pizza party tonight the kids had fun! (I can't believe your kids have never made homemade pizza Steph!!!!) Anyway they didn't make too big of a mess!! and the pizza was YUMMY!!!
Posted by Just us at 5:27 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
sK8 pArK.....
So today because I was feeling like my poor kids have been neglected the last few weeks while they have been off track I decided that i would take advantage of being off before the sun went down and go out and enjoy it with the kids!! We has a gr8 time! These kids are NUTZ!! (wonder where they get that from???) Poor Jaedyn is just not as old as she wants to be to hang with the boys but she does try!! Easton was probably the smallest kid there and i must say and not just because he is my son but he is pretty damn good!! Eliott is a natural sk8er which scares the hell out of me, only because he has already come acustume to hospitals and Emergency rooms, I fear what lies ahead of me with him and his broken bones! It was really nice to just hang out with my kids though... I don't get to do that as much as I should and I'm feeling pretty guilty about that!! Hopefully one day they will understand and maybe forgive me!! Jaedyn is a little camera freak!! She took sooooo many pics of herself!! Wonder where she gets that from!!!???? ;)
Posted by Just us at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Crazy Kids!!
Ok beware these images are a little graphic... (she hates clothes! The first thing she does when she walks in the door is strips down to her underwear!) SO the other day we were having dinner and I asked the kids to look through the Wal-Mart ad and circle some of the things that they wanted Santa to bring them..... (BIG mistake!) SO Jaedyn seen a girlie guitar in the mag and tells us that she wants it. Well Eliott tells her that she is too little for this guitar and that she would not know how to play it. The next words out of her mouth made me laugh so hard I about lost my dinner!!!! She looks at us without skipping a beat and so matter of fact.. she says, "Yes I can Eliott, I AM A ROCKSTAR!!" LMAO!!!
Pink guitar..... 15$
Bug eye sunglasses..... 8$
Learning that you 3 year old is a ROCKSTAR...... Priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted by Just us at 6:36 PM 5 comments
Silly kids!!! Sometimes we take for granted our crazy kids! Eliott decided that he was going to dress himself up in Richard's pimp costume... LOL and then Easton had to give the wig a try! I love these kiddles even when they make me crazy and I feel like I wanna rip my hair out.. I still love them then! The smallest things are sometimes the biggest reminders........... NOW quick everybody go grab your kids in a big bear hug and kiss them till they scream!!
Posted by Just us at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Posted by Just us at 6:52 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama Wins!!!!
Our 44th President! (He's not Hilary Clinton,..... but I guess he will do!)

Posted by Just us at 8:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
It don't matter if your Black or White...... ;)
Posted by Just us at 6:48 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Posted by Just us at 2:59 PM 1 comments
Missing Mom

Posted by Just us at 8:00 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Fall Leaves..... Or Fallen Leaves!

Posted by Just us at 8:18 PM 3 comments